What follows is a sampling of my articles which are available to read online:
“Where Jesus walked.” The Canadian Lutheran April 30, 2013.
“Media forced by pro-lifers to cover story.” Winnipeg Free Press April 16, 2013.
“Disagree with Christians? That’s fine. But do not silence them.” The National Post February 13, 2013.
“Roman Catholics and Confessional Lutherans Explore Deeper Ties.” First Things February 5, 2013.
“God save the Queen: A Canadian reflects on why the Monarchy still matters.” First Things February 7, 2012.
“The man God hasn’t called you to be: What the ‘Christian masculinity’ movement keeps getting wrong.” Converge Magazine Jan.-Feb. 2012: 32-33.
“Interview: J.I. Packer on biblical authority, world Anglicanism, and ecumenicism.” Canadian Lutheran Online November 18, 2011.
“Standing Firm: The cost of confessing the Word of God.” The Canadian Lutheran Sep.-Oct. 2011: 6-9. Also at Canadian Lutheran Online November 16, 2011.
“Love amidst the ruins: The Deathly Hallows Part 2.” Canadian Lutheran Online July 18, 2011. Also in The Canadian Lutheran Jul-Aug, 2011: 47-48.
“Stuttering kings and imperfect pastors: Reflection on The King’s Speech and the office of the preacher.” Canadian Lutheran Online February 25, 2011. Also (shortened) in The Canadian Lutheran Mar.-Apr. 2011: 9.
“The battle for Christmas.” The Canadian Lutheran Nov.-Dec. 2010: 6-8. Also at Canadian Lutheran Online December 17, 2010.
“Voyage of the Dawn Treader: An odyssey in faith.” Canadian Lutheran Online December 14, 2010.
“Lutherans follow Anglicans down rocky road of dissent.” The National Post August 25, 2010.
“Can you hear me now? Evangelism for the 21st century.” The Canadian Lutheran July-Aug. 2010: 6-8. Also at Canadian Lutheran Online September 7, 2010.
“More than straw: The importance of James to contemporary society.” The Canadian Lutheran Oct. 2009: 9.
You can also check out my regular column “Table Talk” over at The Canadian Lutheran for more articles. I also write for the “First Thoughts” blog at First Things.
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