Since my early school days, the majority of my Christian friends have come from anabaptist/evangelical traditions: Baptist, Mennonite, and the like. (These denominations make up the vast majority of young practising Christians in my part of Canada; apparently they’re doing something right that Lutherans and the like aren’t – namely, passing on the faith). But I digress. It’s unsurprising, therefore, that one of the most common theological topics of discussion between my friends and myself has been the question of baptism. It’s the practice most visibly different between our two traditions. After all, we baptise infants; they don’t.

That’s one of the reasons why I appreciate Chaplain Mike’s post “What I Like about Lutheran Baptism” at the Internet Monk website. Much of the audience there is from an anabaptist background, and Chaplain Mike does an admirable job explaining to them some of the reasons Lutherans believe what Lutherans do on this topic. Check it out. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.