Tue 24 Dec 2013
Ero cras
Posted by Mathew Block under Main
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In the lead-up to Christmas, we use the O Antiphons as part of our prayer life. In turn we reflect on Sapientia (Wisdom), Adonai (Lord), Radix Jesse (Root of Jesse), Clavis David (Key of David), Oriens (Morning Star), Rex Gentium (King of the nations), and finally Emmanuel (God with us). The first letters of these words in Latin, when read backwards, form an acrostic: ERO CRAS. Put loosely, this is “Tomorrow I will come.”
Let these words be for us a reminder not only that tomorrow is Christmas, but further that we wait on a Lord who will come again—a reminder that “this Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven” (Acts 1:13).
Merry Christmas and God bless.